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Good things are happening here!  

We are nurturing students who love to learn and love to help others.  We believe to benefit from the full experience of school that a student is involved in athletics, the arts, along with helping their community.  At CCS we provide a wide range of opportunities so that passions can be discovered and developed.  If a student imagines an activity that we don’t offer, they have the power to create an organization for students with similar interests.  


Our Athletics program is a fundamental part of a Charleston Collegiate education. On average, 85 percent of our students in Grades 5–12 participate on at least one interscholastic team in a given school year.


The objective of the Fine Arts program is to give all students the opportunity to experience a variety of fine arts during their school years, so they may discover which discipline affords them the best outlet for their expression. 


At CCS we care about the whole family, not just the student.  CCS is a family and our events are the perfect representation of our school.  From 5K runs and fall festivals to kickball games to Sun Devils around town events - our community enjoys their time together!


Summer at CCS is a wonderful learning day camp for children in rising PreK-5th Grade.

Loving the teacher ,students and class sizes at this school. No to mention the the specials twice a week. Plus all the extras like character building, yoga classes and outdoor classrooms. We toured many other schools but half way through the tour we looked at each other and said this is the one! Mom of two CCS students


Our educational philosophy rests on our Pillars of Education:

  • Experiential Learning
  • Outdoor Education
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Arts and Creativity